Mag.a phil. Eva Maria Dürnberger
GRM 201 – Intermediate German (3 credits)
GRM 202 – Intermediate German (3 credits)
GRM 370 – Engaging in Austrian Culture (3 credits)

Mag.a phil. Birgit Herzog
GRM 101 – Elementary German (3 credits)
GRM 102 – Elementary German (3 credits)

MMag. phil. Klemens Leitner Bakk.phil.
FA 203 – Development of the Arts in Europe I (3 credits)
FA 304 – Development of the Arts in Europe II (3 credits)
PHL 330 – Metaphysics (3 credits)
PHL 22o – Engaging Ethics (3 credits)

Dr.in phil. Gabriele Ott-Altaie
GEO 373 – Human Geography of Central Europe (3 credits)

Mag.a Dr.in phil. Sigrid Rettenbacher
THE 205 – Biblical Texts in Global Contexts (3 credits)
THE 391 – Intercultural Theology (3 credits)

Mag.a rer. nat. Judith Schmölzer
ENV 182 – Enviromental Science (3 credits)

Mag. phil. Michael Streif
ENG 112 – Thinking through Literature (3 credits)