Ferneding Dinner at the Hotel Sacher

Written by Erin Burns

On the fourth of December, our community experienced an extraordinary treat: a four course dinner at the infamous Hotel Sacher. This tradition began when a former Salzburg member, Jim Ferneding, left in his will the funds for each Salzburg group to experience a true dining experience.

His friends and family remember him as someone who enjoyed the finer things in life; we are confident that he would have loved to see our group, dressed in our finest, celebrating the holiday season.
We began the evening in the piano lounge, where we were served champagne or water, with live music in the background. Upon entering the dining rooms, we each found our seats, where we had personalized name tags and personalized menus for those with particular diets. Over the course of the next hours, many of us had the best dinner we have had in our entire lives. The food, the service, the energy… it is a night we will all remember for a long time. Thank you Jim!
